
Upgrading CrashFix in Windows

This page contains instructions of upgrading CrashFix components from a previous version to the newest version in Windows operating system.

First Make a Backup

It is recommended to do a backup of CrashFix files before you upgrade them.

Copy entire directory where you have installed the CrashFix web application (DOCUMENT_ROOT/crashfix) or at least only its subdirectory containing crash report files and debug info files (DOCUMENT_ROOT/crashfix/protected/data).

To backup your MySQL database, you can use the mysqldump tool. From your command shell, run the following command:

mysqldump -u root -p database_name > database_backup.txt

The command above will create the file database_backup.txt in the current directory. The file will contain SQL instructions for creating the database_name database and filling its tables. The database_name plaseholder should be the name of the database where CrashFix tables are stored.

If something happens when you upgrade your database, you can use the mysql tool to restore previous state of the database. If you decide to restore your database, from your command shell, run the following command:

mysql -uroot -p database_name < database_backup.txt

Upgrading CrashFix Web Application

Download the CrashFix web application ZIP archive from our Download page. Then unpack the archive to web server's document root directory.

Edit the DOCUMENT_ROOT/crashfix/protected/config/user_params.ini config file and specify the correct database connection string, login and password. For additional information on config file fields and their meaning, please refer to comment lines that can be found in the config file.

Note: you can just copy the user_params.ini file that you have previously saved for backup.

After that, if everything is OK, you should be able to see the following page in your browser:


Web application login page

Upgrading CrashFix Database

And at last, CrashFix database tables must be upgraded before using the web application. This is performed by the database migration mechanism. To upgrade the database tables, run the following command from DOS shell:

php DOCUMENT_ROOT/crashfix/protected/yiic.php migrate

When prompted, press 'y' and then press 'Enter'. If everything is OK, the following message appears:

Migrated up successfully.

Now your CrashFix web application is upgraded.

Upgrading CrashFix Service

Download the CrashFix service installer EXE file from our Download page. Then run the installer wizard and follow the installation steps.

Generated on Fri Jun 12 23:08:57 2015 for CrashFix by doxygen 1.5.9