

The term project is a synonym of a client application. For example, if you develop the application named Editor, you may create a project named Editor that will receive crash reports from your Editor application.

CrashFix administration model uses the concept of project isolation. For example, users of project A may not know anything about resources of another project B.

Every project has associated quotas. The quotas define how many disk space the project may take.

To manage projects, you need to log in under the root user or under another user having permission to access Administer panel. After you have logged in, click the Administer button on the Main menu. Administer panel appears. Click the Projects item on the top menu. The Projects page appears (shown in the figure below).


Administer Projects

When you are logging in the first time, there are no projects on that page. To create a new project, click the Add New Project button. The Add New Project page appears (shown in the figure below).


Add new project

You should enter new project's name, short description and specify disc quotas for the new project. By default, the following quotas are specified:

Disk quotas can be modified as desired. For example, you can increase the quota for debugging symbols up to 100 GB by entering 102400 in the corresponding field. You can also enter 0 (zero) as a quota value do make it unlimited.

Under the Misc Options section, you can define the way CrashFix will search for matching symbol files for your project. Typically, a symbol file is considered matching if both its GUID and Age are equal to GUID and Age embedded into crash report's minidump file. If you want to load symbol file even if its build age does not match accurately, you can remove check mark from the Require exact build age for debugging symbols check box. After that, CrashFix will load the symbols even if their build age does not match accurately.

Next, click the Create button to create the project. The project details page appears (shown in the figure below).


Project details

On the appeared project details page, you can see project details (name, description, status and disc quotas). The status Active means the project is accepting new crash reports. You may disable project to forbid accepting new crash reports, and to forbid browsing and managing project resources.

At the bottom of the project details page, you can see the Users Participating in this Project section. Here you can add users to project. To do this, click the Add User(s) button. The Add Project Members page appears (shown in the figure below).


Add user to project

On the appeared page, you should set check marks in front of user names you want to add to project and set their roles. For example, user John may be an administrator in project A and a developer in project B.

Further reading: Daemon

Generated on Fri Jun 12 23:08:57 2015 for CrashFix by doxygen 1.5.9