

The Mail tab of Administer page allows to browse the E-mail messages sent by CrashFix web application recently. This can be used by an administrator for monitoring and troubleshooting E-mail delivery problems.

You need to log in under the root user or under another user having permission to access Administer panel. After you have logged in, click the Administer button on the Main menu. Administer panel appears. Click the Mail item on the top menu. The Mail page appears (shown in the figure below).


Administer Mail

On the appeared page, you can see the list of E-mail messages sent recently, their subject, recipient, creation time, sent time and status. You can click a message to view it in details (see figure below).


View Email

On the appeared page, you can see the E-mail message subject, recipient, status and message body text.

You are able to send the message again by clicking the Resend Mail button. You can also permanently delete the message by clicking the Delete Mail button.

Further reading: Logging & Troubleshooting.

Generated on Fri Jun 12 23:08:57 2015 for CrashFix by doxygen 1.5.9