Similar crash report files are grouped into collections. This makes it easier to analyze crash reports - you do not have to view many crash reports in turn, instead you may view a single crash report or several crash reports from a collection, analyze them and (if desired) open a new bug for the entire collection.
To browse crash collections, you need to log in under a user having permission to browse crash reports, and the user should be a member of the specified project. After you have logged in, click the Collections button on the Main menu. Collections page appears (shown in the figure below).
Collections page displays crash collections created by the CrashFix service for the currently selected version of the current project. You may also display collections for all versions of the current project. To do this, select '(all)' from
Version drop-down list.
The Collections page contains the search field allowing to filter collections by name and by type. For example, the default filter displays collections that do not not have bug(s) assigned or having open bugs. It hides the collections whose bugs are closed. So, the default filter makes it easier to concentrate on new collections.
There is also a default collection named 'Unsorted Reports'. New reports are coming into this collection by default. When CrashFix service processes arriving reports, it creates new collections and moves crash reports to an appropriate collection.
The algorithm of determining an appropriate collection name for a new crash report is the following:
if crash report's status is Waiting, it is put into 'Unsorted Reports' collection;
if crash report's status is Invalid, it is put into 'Invalid Reports' collection;
if crash report does not contain any exception information (for example, when there is no minidump file in the crash report), it is put into 'Reports without Exception Information' collection;
if crash report's status is Ready, it's collection is determined as follows. CrashFix looks for the thread where exception occurred. If debugging symbols are loaded for some stack frames of that thread, the topmost stack frame whose symbol name presents becomes the collection name; otherwise module's name and exception address relative to module's base address becomes the collection name. If no module can be determined, it just uses the exception address as the collection name.
Although collection names are generated automatically by CrashFix, sometimes it may required to define custom collection names. Since v.1.0.4, a client application is able to define custom collection name by adding custom property named 'CollectionId' to crash report. For additional information, please refer to Client-Side Integration page.
To see certain collection details, click its ID. The
View Collection NN page appears, where NN is the collection ID. The details page is shown below.
Collection Details
At the top of the page, there is actions toolbar. Using this toolbar, one may open a new bug for this collection or permanently delete the collection with its crash reports.
Below the actions toolbar, the collection title, creation date, crash report count and associated bugs are displayed. And below this information, crash reports belonging to this collection are listed.
At the bottom of the page, you can see some information on count of crash reports contained in this collection and maximum crash report count quota for this collection.
Further reading: Bugs