
Debug Info Uploader Tool

The uploader tool is a Windows application designed for uploading symbol files to CrashFix server. Debugging symbols are required to correctly recover stack traces from incoming crash reports. Typically a CrashFix user who builds the client application may run the uploader tool to upload generated debugging symbols to CrashFix web application.

Uploader installation instructions are provided on the Installation page.

The uploader presents in two flavors - GUI (uploader_gui.exe) and console (uploader.exe). The GUI application is more easy to use. The console application, however, is applicable for automating symbol uploading procedure. Below we provide some instructions on how to use the uploader.

To run uploader GUI, you need to launch uploader_gui.exe executable. The user interface of debug info uploader tool is presented in the figure below.


Uploader GUI

First of all, you need to specify where to search for symbol files. In the Where PDB files located field, enter the path where your project binaries are generated during the compilation. Or you can press the Browse button to choose a directory from the directory tree.

If you want to search for symbol files in the specified directory and its subdirectories, set check to the Recursive search in subdirectories check box.

Enter the following URL into the Upload URL field: http://example.com/crashfix/index.php/debugInfo/uploadExternal. In the URL above, replace example.com placeholder with your CrashFix server name.

Enter the project name to the Project Name field. For example, if you have project Editor, type 'Editor'. When uploaded, symbol files will be marked as belonging to the specified project.

Press the Upload Now button to start file upload. The progress of file upload is displayed in the Log area. You may right-click the Log area and copy the log to clipboard by choosing Copy entire log to clipboard from the context menu.

The console uploader (uploader.exe) provides the same functionality as the GUI uploader. To see the list of commands provided by the tool and usage examples, type the following:

uploader.exe --help

Further reading: Batch Import

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